May 12, 2005


Something is really, really wrong with the internet right now.

It seems like some dot com addresses are down. That's bad when its yahoo dot com that you're trying to reach. Some dot org's are down, too. This is really weird.

I don't know what got hacked or who hacked it--- and of course, this is presuming the problem was caused by hackers---but wow. I haven't seen anything like this in a while. The husband is wondering if a big patch of DNS servers are down somewhere.

I dunno, but whatever it was, it's really screwing the pooch.

UPDATE: Google's down. I can get to Blogspot blogs, but I can't get to their parent company's site. What the heck is going on here?

What's weird is that my site is still up and running, while I can't get to other moo knew sites. WTF?

UPDATE DEUX: But I have to say, WOW, what's left of the internet is really freakin' speedy. It's taking no time at all to post this stuff. A few seconds, at most. Which doesn't usually happen.

UPDATE THREE: Do you think a few people are now realizing how addicted to the Internet they really are right about now? Heheheheh.

UPDATE FOUR: And we're back up and running.

Posted by Kathy at May 12, 2005 12:13 PM
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