May 09, 2005


One can only suppose that Dementee might feel a wee bit different about pharmacists refusing to fill prescriptions for moral reasons when someone tries to deny him his hypertension medication one day with the excuse that hypertension is a gift from God, a reminder of how fragile we human beings really are, that perhaps he should cut back on the pork rinds instead of resorting to Mother Pharmaceutical to solve his problems. After all, he can just hightail it down the street and find another pharmacy, can't he? Well, that would suppose that Dementee lives in a large metropolitan area, instead of a rural one, where there's only one pharmacy within a few hundred square miles.

Methinks Dementee might also feel differently when another pharmacist decides to hold his prescription hostage because not only is said pharmacist not morally obliged to fill Dementee's prescription, he's in a position where he could shove his morals down Dementee's throat---who may or may not agree with them. And we all realize what a tempting option that is, don't we kids? Mmmhmmmm. Good stuff there, the opportunity to proselytize from the back of a Walgreens! There's no power to be had at the back of a Walgreens, is there? Nope. None at all. After all, there's no state license required to dish out drugs...anyone can do it!

Perhaps, until then, Dementee should realize that this is a slippery slope he's advocating and perhaps, just perhaps, it requires a more nuanced answer than simply assuming that the pharmacist has the right to do whatever they damn well please. The Establishment Clause isn't going to shield a pharmacist from a lawsuit when someone dies because of their refusal to dish out drugs they might have problems with.

I suppose if Dementee's got a problem with all of that, perhaps he can go and fuck himself, no?

Posted by Kathy at May 9, 2005 04:37 PM

Oh geez.

You are messing with forces you cannot possibly comprehend.

I cannot be held responsible for what, if anything Dementee does. I can't control him.


Posted by: LearnedFoot at May 9, 2005 05:33 PM

On second thought..

I suppose better him than me, since your argument contains such gaping holes in its logic that I would be forced to do a word by word fisking. I tend to get very, very nasty when I do that.'s not good to go after Dementee. He almost ate my dad once.


Posted by: LearnedFoot at May 9, 2005 05:37 PM

Why should I worry?

I’ve grown very weary of the selfishness rampant in the Left wing of this country. It is they who wish to force the rest of society to conform to their vision of what is right and, when they encounter resistance, waste no time branding the rebels as intolerant and narrow-minded.

My message to them is: “Go F*&# yourself.”

Not that I'm left wing or anything, but, according to his very own words, he's just going to tell me to go fuck myself.

I think I can handle that.

Posted by: Kathy at May 9, 2005 06:08 PM

If that's all he does, I'll be more than happy to fill in the blanks.


Posted by: LearnedFoot at May 9, 2005 09:26 PM

"Blah Blah Blah, I'm a boy, this doesn't affect me and I'm going to go on and on about how I fictiously thinkI am correct anyway."

Get your clause out of our drawers, Mauve.

Posted by: rew at May 10, 2005 08:23 AM

Preview of things to come:

"After all, there's no state license required to dish out drugs...anyone can do it!"

Nope. See MN Stat. 151.01 et. seq. Pharmacists are heavily regulated (and do indeed need a license). And that is just a small point where you're wrong


Keep your "morals" out of someone else's conscience. You don't have to derive your lectures from a religion to be an insufferably twitty browbeater.

Posted by: LearnedFoot at May 10, 2005 09:01 AM

Ummmmm, sarcasm, LF. Sarcasm.

Posted by: Kathy at May 10, 2005 09:04 AM

Sarcasm doesn't translate well to print (or pixels). Didn't you get the memo?

Enough from me. I see I am starting to get sucked into something that I said I wouldn't get sucked into. Not my battle, and there are approximatel 1,563 things that interest me more than this topic.

Posted by: LearnedFoot at May 10, 2005 10:17 AM

Uh...the sarcasm was pretty evident to anyone who's, you know, read things and stuff.

And if you don't want to get into a debate, don't post a long diatribe against people who disagree with you. I've found that works for me....

Posted by: Jeff Fecke at May 10, 2005 11:23 AM


I posted no such diatribe. Dementee did.

Posted by: LearnedFoot at May 10, 2005 01:07 PM
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