April 24, 2005

Good Grief, Charlie Brown!

So, the "interactive entertainment publishing rights" to Peanuts have been sold to Namco, a company which puts out games like Tekken and Soul Caliber. Not like I have any freakin' idea of what those games are, but I'm sure a few of you geeks will know.

Woody, over at GU Comics, was creative in his interpretation of the news. I thought it was humorous, so I thought I'd pass it along.


The phrase "good grief" has never been more loaded.

UPDATE: Man, I am such a loser. The appropriate commentary for this post should have been....

...Just go ahead and try to take the football away from me now, beeeeeyotch!

Why I didn't think of that last night, I have no idea.

Posted by Kathy at April 24, 2005 09:26 PM
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