April 15, 2005

I'm a Tory At Heart

Who Should You Vote For?

Who should I vote for?

Your expected outcome:


Your actual outcome:

Labour 8
Conservative 61
Liberal Democrat -80
UK Independence Party 18
Green -13

You should vote: Conservative

The Conservative Party is strongly against joining the Euro and against greater use of taxation to fund public services. The party broadly supported the Iraq war and backs greater policing and ID cards. The Tories are against increasing the minimum wage above the rate of inflation, and have committed to abolishing university tuition fees. They support 'virtual vouchers' for private education.

Take the test at Who Should You Vote For

Pretty much as I suspected.

Although, if given the chance, I'd vote for Labour and Tony Blair in a heartbeat. He deserves some support after all the hits he's taken over not abandoning America after 9/11. While Gordon Brown is creepy in the extreme, Michael Howard has never floated my boat, either. I like Tony. I didn't before 9/11. But I do now.

{Hat Tip: The Maximum Leader. Who confessed he wants a Darth Tater.}

Posted by Kathy at April 15, 2005 11:13 PM
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