April 12, 2005

These Are Not The Droids You Seek

As if it was a birthday party, my Maximum Leader decided to have a Star Wars themed weekend.

Light sabers were purchased.

Go read all about it.

Posted by Kathy at April 12, 2005 12:41 AM

I am still feeling the shame of purchasing the lightsabre. I've hidden it from family. I think that before long I'm gonna have to come clean on it.

But not before I buy another one so that I can have lightsabre duels with the kids.

Posted by: The Maximum Leader at April 12, 2005 12:06 PM

Oh, definitely come clean. I bought the husband a light saber years ago as a stocking stuffer. It sits on his desk and he loves throwing it out (it's collapsible) and, in between consulting calls, pretending he's Luke. I have mentioned that I'm married to a grown man, right? Ok, just wanted to make that one clear;)

The kids will love it. You really do need to get another one. Our niece and nephew always clamor for that toy when they come over. It never gets old.

Posted by: Kathy at April 12, 2005 12:20 PM

We had one of those noise making sabers here at work along with a talking Yoda doll. Lets just say my boss found it a home in the trash can when the guys ignored his "suggestion" they knock it the hell off :) And Yoda, well he was mutilated. Every month brough some new indignity until he had no eyelids, a beard, and was posed in odd positions with Darth. Did I mention I work with all men?

Posted by: Ith at April 12, 2005 01:50 PM
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