March 08, 2005

I've Got Two, Count' em, TWO MT Windows Going...

and for the love of all that is good and holy, I'm a disappointment.

I got nothin'.

I don't think I'll ever be doing this guest blogging business again. I noticed the malaise setting in last week, but thought I could pull out of it. Nothing's tripping my trigger, though. I can't get fired up. Bleh. Hence the lameness at two blogs, not just one.

Yesterday, I had to go over to the Mall of Gomorrah to visit my sister-in-law and my niece, who were in town for some shopping. Today, well, I had high hopes, but around midday I just started to not feel so well, so I went and napped. I'm still feeling a bit bleh, and will be shortly retiring to the sofa to read.

The fact that we are indeed moving at the end of the month does nothing to help, either. The places we've seen don't do a damn thing for me. It might have one feature, but it's lacking another we currently have. And I ain't going back down the ladder, ya dig?

When we found this apartment, we were the first people to see it and we took it, right there and then. It had everything we wanted. A fireplace. Older neighborhood. Archways. Walking distance to many things. A deck. A washer and dryer. But, most importantly, it had a dishwasher. The dishwasher is a non-negotiable item. We can't live with each other if we have to actually wash our dishes. We would have filed for divorce years ago if we hadn't figured out the amount of strife this business of dumping soap into the sink was causing us. But I digress.

Anyway, I've figured out the the solution to all my problems.

Powerball, baby.

The current fantasy I have running through my head is to win the Powerball and be able to actually, you know, purchase a house, wherein I could paint the walls purple if I wanted to. Not like I would, but just the mere thought of finally being able to move beyond rental white is a heady elixir indeed. There are two houses within spitting distance of the Cake Eater Pad that just went on the market and are perfect. We could get either one and I'd be a happy camper. But we'll never be able to afford either place unless we win the Powerball. The mortage on one with a 20% downpayment, I shit you not, would be just shy of ten grand a month.

But if we won the Powerball....

....well, we could purchase one of these two houses, hire packers (and people to unpack the crap as well. I'm not fucking about here.) and could go on vacation while all this business was going on. No muss, no fuss. I could, by the end of the month, finally be the mistress of our very own piece of property and be slurping a margarita on a Mexican beach.

Anyway, that's my roundabout way of apologizing for the lack of fresh content. Hopefully tomorrow will be better than today.

Posted by Kathy at March 8, 2005 11:54 PM

If I win I'll send you a cheque!

Posted by: silk at March 9, 2005 03:04 AM

Buying a house is a huge expense. We saved for a year -- we moved to a smaller apartment so I could walk to work. I sold my car so I wouldn't have the car and the insurance expenses, didn't buy new clothes for a year, didn't take vacation trips, and only went out to eat on our anniversary.
But it was worth it.

Posted by: Fausta at March 9, 2005 10:28 AM
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