March 06, 2005


I sincerely hope this passes.

The Kuwaiti parliament is to debate a bill to grant women full political rights, a Kuwaiti minister has said.

Deputy Prime Minister Mohammad Sharar said that legislators would discuss the bill in March.

The measure, which has been approved by the cabinet, will allow women to vote and to stand for election.

Kuwait's Islamist Umma Party has said it backs the move, becoming the first Sunni Muslim group in the emirate to endorse women's suffrage.{...}

Do you think the elections in Iraq---where women had full suffrage---had anything to do with this?

Posted by Kathy at March 6, 2005 10:18 PM

It's possible the elections in Iraq had a lot to do with this, but you know also that the women's suffrage movement in Kuwait has been ongoing for several years now out in the open. This has come up before parlaiment in Kuwait before and not passed though, so keep your fingers crossed this time.

Posted by: MRN aka "The Husband" at March 7, 2005 12:03 AM

Iraq has had full suffrage for women since 1948. They invaded antisuffragist Kuwait in 1991. We sided with the antisuffragists in that one.

Déjà-vu: Germany has had full suffrage for women since 1918. They invaded antisuffragist France in 1940. We sided with the antisuffragists in that one, too.

South Korea adopted women's suffrage in 1948, just before they were invaded by their suffragist neighbor. Otherwise we could have had a hat trick.

It's comforting to know that the women of Iraq and North Korea could cherish their votes decades before those trapped in the tyrannical pestholes of Switzerland and Liechtenstein...

Posted by: Reg Cæsar at March 9, 2005 02:04 AM
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