March 03, 2005

It Could Be An Interesting Week

So, I got this email from Steve-o yesterday asking me to step up and guest blog over at the Llamabutchers while Robbo is in Disneyworld hell.

After much deliberation---at least a whole thirty seconds worth---I said, "heck yeah!"

I've never guest blogged before. I've had guest bloggers, but never have I actually held the keys to someone else's kingdom in my sweaty little palms. It's a bit daunting---posting to two blogs---but it should be fun.

So, if you don't find me here, chances are I'll be over there.

And yes, Mom, that means you finally have to bookmark the Llamas. Wouldn't want to miss anything, would you? Hmmmm?

Posted by Kathy at March 3, 2005 11:06 PM
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