March 01, 2005


When Mr. H. was over here for the Oscar Party the other night, he left half a bottle of Dr. Pepper behind.

I just took a swig, and dang is about all I can say. Too sweet. Too syrupy. Bleech.

I gave up drinking soda a while back. I used to consume cokes on a regular basis, then I switched over to diet. I gave up the diet about a year ago because---{insert the lyrics to "You're So Vain" here}---it's loaded with sodium, which in turn makes me retain water. Kathy no like being bloated, so while it was a struggle and a half, she gave the junk up.

It's always wierd, though, now to take a drink of this stuff. No longer can I understand how people drink this junk all day long. Caffeine for non-coffee drinkers is one thing, but all the sugar that comes with this? (And this is coming from a person who likes everything sweet, too.) I simply cannot comprehend how I used to be one of the number of people who guzzled the stuff. It's beyond me.

Posted by Kathy at March 1, 2005 12:39 PM
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