February 19, 2005

Jimmy Hoffa's Grave

Over at the Fraters, St. Paul discusses the various privileges of union membership and makes some excellent points.

As far as the benefits of union membership, well, as far as I can see, there really don't seem to be any. But don't tell the unions that. You might just put Jimmy Hoffa Jr in his grave prematurely. And let's face it, if there's anyone who's probably really afraid of dying, it's him. It would be cruel to taunt him about such a thing. Really. (Don't think it'll stop me, though.) But I digress. Anything they might have been able to take credit for in the past is now legislated. What purpose do they serve nowadays, other than arguing about health insurance prices? I don't really see the need for them to be fighting THE MAN all the damn time. At least not here in the States.

On a related note, I would still like to know why the Teamsters can call itself an international organization if it only operates in the United States and Canada.

What? Don't workers in developing countries deserve to be represented by Jimmy Hoffa Jr. in their fight against THE MAN? I mean, if it's all about fighting THE MAN, you'd think they'd want to go someplace where they'd actually have to, you know, fight.

Or isn't five percent of a $14/week Mexican/Indonesian/Malaysian paycheck enough to sustain their activities?

Makes one wonder, doesn't it?


Posted by Kathy at February 19, 2005 12:13 AM
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