January 31, 2005

I'm a Bad, Bad Daughter

So, Sunday was my parents' 51st Wedding Anniversary.

And I forgot all about it.

Whooops! My bad.

It's not like we're big on celebrating anniversaries in our family. We have enough birthdays to keep track of that we don't need to be adding busy work to the mix. Neither have Mom and Dad ever been big on celebrating their anniversary with their children. It's their day: not ours. But still, after last year, I should have remembered. Although, maybe I'll get a pass because last year--their 50th---was a big deal and we celebrated accordingly. All eight of us either flew or drove into town, families in tow (and in my case, Mr. H. as the husband was otherwise engaged) and we threw a big ol' party for them. We had a great time and so did they, which was particularly satisfying after listening to them protest for months that they didn't want this shindig. So, perhaps I'll get a pass. I hope so. I have a feeling once Mom reads this, she'll call me and let me know...she always does.

So, anyway, Happy Belated Anniversary Mom and Dad!


Aren't they cute?

Posted by Kathy at January 31, 2005 11:29 PM

Happy anniversary to the Parental Units!

Posted by: Fausta at February 1, 2005 08:33 AM
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