December 22, 2004

The French Hostages

Fausta, who conveniently is able to watch France 2---and who can understand it, too---has the scoop on the release of French journalists Georges Malbrunot and Christian Chesnot, who have been held hostage in Iraq since this summer.

What's interesting is that there are some internal rumblings that appear to be variating from Chirac's "Diplomacy is Job One" line. They're doubting themselves, in other words, because the government had, as best as I can figure, nothing to do with the release.

I'll be interested to hear about their experiences when they finally speak out. If their release is just another product of Fallujah, well, I'll be expecting a big ol' "Merci bou coup!" from Blaque Jacques.

Posted by Kathy at December 22, 2004 10:20 AM

Thank you Kathy!

Posted by: Fausta at December 22, 2004 10:26 AM
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